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Friday, January 28, 2005 me this is the only way to wake him up

my feelings all summed up on one piece of toast

Homecoming game...i'm pointing to myself ON THE COVER of the program...(ok so you can't really tell it's me but still...shut up)

allison, jeremy, me at a football game

ok, everybody shake your faces as fast as you can


shake faster!

haha these pictures are funny

camp trip fall 04

camp trip fire before things went horriby wrong..

loitering in suits

the people we found eating garbage in John's garage

the gang's all here

first in war

pledge sneak

eric,me,issac smith rock

teaching alex how to golf at smith rock

the river at smith rock

inside the bago smith rock

Minutes before attacking imaginary person with shovel...



eternal sunshine of the...wait a minute!

OK, so summer of 2001 we made this movie..well we wrote a movie and filmed several scenes. It was supposed to star myself and Kam as two guys that work together to fulfill their own personal goals. Kam wants to get a gun and I want to get a girl for some reason or another. Well anyway, the point is, the more i think about it, the more the premise for this movie seems very similar to "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind."

In our movie, which was unofficially (and poorly) titled "Kam and Gino's wacky adventure," involves this guy named Jack who gets a bad case of amnesia (eric). And just like in "sunshine", some jackass (me) tries to get with Jack's girlfriend. It was a pretty nifty plot device as we would have funny little silentmovie-esque scenes where Jack wanders around aimlessly nearly blowing Gino's cover.

Ok maybe the memory loss and girlfriend stealing is the only thing that the two have in common. I'm stupid. Anyway it probably could've turned out to be a pretty decent movie had we the time and resources. Oh well.

I think is the the last scene of the movie

from the coffee shop scene

Giving Kam some kind of signal?

best movie ever

i'm with stupid

Mission: Improbable Movie Premier

yin yang twins

Al, Eric, Me, Isaac, Andrew at Smith Rock

Brynna and Me outside of rockbottom...don't I look coherent?

Me and Mcdavid in a crappy tourist trap on the way to Joshua Tree

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Gino is neato
