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Thursday, February 17, 2005

if i get anymore bad news i could start a daily tabloid don't give me any. (yellow journalism humor, anyone?) I was going to list a lot of the bad news here but i remembered that I make fun of people that have online journals and post daily about how everything in their life sucks and is incomparable to the troubles that everyone else is having. Well I don't want to do that because, lets face it, nobody is really interested in why your parents grounded you or why you got fired or why your people were decimated and their land was "traded" for some shiny beads. I figure stuff like that is better reserved for private personal memoirs or, told directly to people who are close to you and would probably want to know.

As for this uh, blog (i really despise that word, in fact i hate most words that were invented after 1995. This is really way too much text to be inside parenthesis...But who decides that? And how about those ellipses i put in the last sentence? Or is it a sentence? Can sentences end with ellipses and still be called sentences? Don't you hate pointless tangents? Don't you hate it when people try to hard for a bad joke? Me too!), I'd like to keep the content of a certain standard of quality. This thing is good for storing pictures online so i'll post lots of those. As for text, I'll try to keep the entries less "oh my life sucks and nobody likes me" or "i have crush on so and so" or "oh muh gawd did you see the OC last night!?" and move toward more posts with substance that are more interesting and thought provoking, even if that thought is "I don't like this." Cause in the end I won because you read it. HA! Take that, asshole.

I'm so so so sorry, i didn't mean to call you an asshole. Please keep reading my banter.

So i guess what i'm really trying to say here is that even though it's good sometimes to vent your frustrations or talk about your problems, i'd say that the online journal thing really isn't the best forum. We all have problems on our plates, and sometimes when people write about them in public forums they can come off as egocentric. It's pretty naive to think that any bad situation is worse than what someone else might be going through.

Actually, scratch that. i DON'T really know what i'm trying to say here. I actually just started typing a few minutes ago and i think i've strayed a bit from the original point of this post and I am too lazy to scroll up and check what said original point was. I think it was something about killing off the indians. So yeah, the point is that while immoral on so many levels, genocide jokes are at worst: "funny, but not 'ha-ha' funny."

oh, and mildly culturally insensitive.

Please send all hate mail and/or flying tomahawks to


  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:19 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger David Blane, at 1:12 PM  

  • hilarious, and yet i still hate you for your complete and consistent failure to reach a point.

    By Blogger David Blane, at 1:13 PM  

  • how dare you remove my post! sitting back playing god.......

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:53 AM  

  • how dare you remove my post! sitting back playing god.......

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:53 AM  

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